Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Update re Physician On-Call Program review

As most physicians are aware, AHS recently issued a Physician On-Call Program (POCP) update in which they requested all eligible physicians to apply to the program – regardless of whether they currently receive on-call payments.

Dear Members,

As most physicians are aware, AHS recently issued a Physician On-Call Program (POCP) update in which they requested all eligible physicians to apply to the program – regardless of whether they currently receive on-call payments.
Members have been asking about the AMA’s involvement with the AHS-led review of the POCP. As previously shared, the AMA appointed two physician representatives to the AHS-led POCP Advisory Committee. Our AMA reps proposed that the POCP rates should align with other jurisdictions, like the BC Medical On-Call Availability Program (BC MOCAP), which pays substantially higher rates than Alberta. AMA reps have also proposed – at a minimum – that the Alberta rates be returned to pre-2019 levels, with an additional amount for partial recognition of CPI (+3%).  
In addition to raising concerns about rates, AMA representatives also proposed that the program be properly funded to accommodate as many as 100 new programs. This would include funding for groups that already perform on-call services but are not remunerated through the POCP. There are many of these, but some examples include: hospitalist services, rural obstetrics and maternity services, continuing care, etc. 
The AMA has been raising these issues with Alberta Health for some time. They are captured in our Acute Care Stabilization Proposal (member login required) that was submitted to government in December of 2023. We are still awaiting government’s response to the proposal. 
The POCP Advisory Committee has completed its work, and we understand that a review of all applications (due this Friday, November 15, 2024) will take place. The AMA has appointed a physician representative to this review process. 
We believe most eligible physician groups will have already applied. If your group has not yet applied, please note you have only have one more day to do so. 
As always, we will share more information as it becomes available. 


Shelley Duggan, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association