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Update - Alberta Health bulletin on virtual care code changes

I have heard from many physicians since the announcement of changes to virtual care code priority items (time for indirect care and complex modifiers).

President's Letter

Dear Members, 

Special Note: Register now for January 11 noon hour webinar with latest information on managing COVID-19 in the community. 

I have heard from many physicians since the announcement of changes to virtual care code priority items (time for indirect care and complex modifiers). Like me, members were happy to hear the news that these codes will be available, but now urgently need the details in an accompanying Alberta Health bulletin. 
Following the December 30, 2021 announcement, AH is working with their claims system to ensure they can provide clear claims submission guidance to physicians in the upcoming bulletin. Our latest update is that the bulletin will be available next week.
Please note that the delay in AH’s bulletin does not impact the January 1, 2022 effective date for the changes.  

  • Indirect patient care time changes are immediate, and any virtual visit claims that don’t involve modifiers can be submitted immediately.
  • Virtual visit claims involving modifiers are also effective January 1, but should be held until AH’s system changes are complete, to ensure the system processes and pays claims correctly.

Physicians should keep records of your direct and same-day indirect care time to ensure you can claim correctly when the system changes are complete. AH will publish a new bulletin when this has occurred and virtual visit claims with modifiers can be submitted.
We will keep you up to date as we work through this with AH. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and questions with me. I always appreciate hearing from you. You may get in touch directly by email if you would like a reply:

Vesta Michelle Warren, MD, CCFP, FCFP
President, Alberta Medical Association