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The PCCM will be implemented: Announcement today

This morning I participated in a joint news conference with the Minister to announce that government is committing to the Physician Comprehensive Care Model with a target implementation date of fall 2024.

President's Letter

Dear Members,

This morning I participated in a joint news conference with the Minister to announce that government is committing to the Physician Comprehensive Care Model with a target implementation date of fall 2024.

This is a crucial milestone – and one that we passed in six months, while at the same time securing grant funding of $200 million over two years in stabilization funds. As of today, $67 million has flowed to physician practices under the Transitional Funding Program. This funding is a desperately needed one-time payment but the new payment model is a lasting incentive to support family and rural generalist physicians in the provision of life-long, comprehensive care.

It has been a hard journey and there is still a lot that needs to happen over the summer while we hammer out the fine details. Today, though, this positive and reassuring news should be recognized.

As we continue to finalize the PCCM details, it should be noted that even in the last few days before today’s announcement, the Minister has heard from physicians about the criticality of supporting family and rural medicine. In the case of the TFP, she also heard that one size does not fit all and that small panels deserve support also. Thank you to the physicians who took the time to write to the Minister about your personal circumstances and the many good reasons for smaller panels. Your advocacy has made a difference in a very short period of time.

I also want to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to our colleagues and leaders on the AMA’s Strike Team who have worked so hard and given so much time, energy and expertise since last fall. They deserve our respect and commendation. Thank you to:

AMA Strike Team members:

  • Dr. Sarah Bates, Section of Family Medicine Acting President
  • Dr. Rithesh Ram, Section of Rural Medicine President
  • Dr. Trevor Day, Section of Family Medicine Executive
  • Dr. Kerri Treherne, Section of Family Medicine Executive
  • Dr. Mike Beach, Section of Rural Medicine Executive
  • Dr. Heather La Borde, Primary Care Network Physician Leads Executive, Calgary Zone
  • Dr. Susan Byers, PCN Physician Leads Executive, South Zone
  • Dr. Michelle Warren, rep from the ARP working group
  • AMA support team for the Strike Team: from Health Economics, Public Affairs, ACTT

AMA-Alberta Health Supporting Comprehensive Care Task Force:

  • Dr. Sarah Bates, Section of Family Medicine Acting President
  • Dr. Rithesh Ram, Section of Rural Medicine President
  • Dr. Heather La Borde, Physician Leads Executive
  • Terri Potter, Executive Director, Alberta College of Family Physicians
  • Dr. Pauwlina Cyca, President-Elect, PARA
  • AMA Senior Staff, Christine DeMontigny (co-chair)
  • AH Representatives (including Bre Hutchinson, ADM co-chair)

Today’s announcement should be recognized for the momentous occasion that it is: a formal commitment to anchor family medicine and rural generalist physicians as the heart and foundation of primary care in our province. This will ensure the viability of practices going forward. It will also create opportunity to build the teams and supports that will eventually allow every Albertan to find and benefit from a medical home.

I will keep you posted on what comes next.


Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association