Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Stabilization funds available - Family/rural docs

On April 4, transitional funding support will begin flowing to eligible family and rural generalist physician practices. 

President's Letter

Dear Members,

On April 4, transitional funding support will begin flowing to eligible family and rural generalist physician practices. This milestone follows months of relentless advocacy through the AMA and heroic efforts by the Strike Team.
There are steps to take, so we are giving you time to act by providing information to you now, before the public announcement of the program.

It will be a big day with great news – and it is only the first step in our efforts to save family and rural generalist medicine. I will have more to say next week when there is a joint AH/AMA public announcement of the TFP. We’ve passed one milestone but there is a long road still to travel.

Upcoming virtual Town Halls

Like primary care, acute care is in crisis. One way I intend to keep members informed (and hear from you) about latest developments is through a series of member-only Inside Scoop Virtual Town Halls. We have tentatively scheduled these through to September 2024. Registration information will follow next week but for now, mark your calendar for Thursday, April 11, 6 - 7:30 p.m.


Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association