Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Recognizing National Physicians' Day

Canadians have fervently expressed their thanks to all health professionals during this pandemic year.

President's Letter

Dear Members:

Canadians have fervently expressed their thanks to all health professionals during this pandemic year. As physicians, we have been quick to recognize all team members who are working alongside of us. From our allied health colleagues to our underrecognized front line staff who keep our facilities running smoothly, we could not do our job without them.

This weekend, though, is a chance to celebrate the contribution of physicians. May 1 is National Physicians’ Day. The AMA will be marking the occasion on our social media feeds throughout the weekend, featuring profiles of amazing Alberta physicians, resident physicians and medical students.

The latest COVID case numbers are truly alarming, and we have some hard weeks ahead. As acute care and community practices continue to care for patients with COVID and prepare for what is to come, there is also the ongoing medical and surgical care unrelated to COVID that is being delivered under difficult conditions - both in acute care settings and in the community. We all recognize that there will be consequences to the care deficit that is growing as surgeries, diagnostics and other aspects of medical care are being delayed. The patients of Alberta are in your hands, and there are no better hands than yours. 

Thank you for what you do every day. I know this has been a long road, but take a moment to feel proud of all that you have done and all that you will do. Recognize the excellence of those around you. There are no finer representatives of the profession, anywhere.

Next week I will be providing you with a final report on what we heard from members during the ratification period for the tentative agreement. There are some important themes and high priority activities that we must pursue, even without an agreement. I look forward to learning what you think of where the Board believes we need to go on your behalf.

Be safe.

Your comments are welcome in the following ways:

  • Communicate with me privately and directly by email if you would like a reply: 
  • Comment publicly on this President’s Letter on the AMA website (please be aware that comments are public, i.e., not members-only, even if you are logged in as a member).

Paul E. Boucher, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association