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Our new CEO

The Board is excited to announce Karina Guy will assume the role of AMA’s CEO as of July 18, 2024.

President's Letter

Dear Members,

The Board is excited to announce Karina Guy will assume the role of AMA’s CEO as of July 18, 2024.

As CEO, Karina will be responsible to the AMA Board of Directors through the president and Executive Committee for direction and administration of the association's day-to-day affairs, as well as assisting with policy and program development and implementation.

Karina brings over 25 years of experience as a health care system transformation executive. Her career has focused on influencing health system strategy, policy and operations to assist in the modernization of Canada’s health care systems within the publicly funded framework. With her experience as an executive in large, multi-national organizations, Karina also brings extensive operational and business administration acumen to her new AMA role.

We look forward to working with Karina and the many things she will accomplish,


Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association

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