Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

We’re not slowing down: Read all about it.

Your Board of Directors is not slowing our pace heading into summer; in fact, we are increasing our efforts. 

President's Letter

Dear Members,

Your Board of Directors is not slowing our pace heading into summer; in fact, we are increasing our efforts. That was a key takeaway from last week’s Board meeting and two days of business and strategic planning for 2024-25 to deliver what you need from the AMA. Here are some highlights that point to what will be coming your way.

Acute Care Concerns

There have been intense discussions with government and AHS for months now regarding our Acute Care Stabilization Proposal. The proposal uniquely brings together solutions toward opportunities and issues associated with: alternative relationship plans; availability and after-hours care; and reduced rates in AHS facilities.
Our campaign to raise awareness about cancer care in Alberta has been fast and furious, drawing attention from media and commentators across the country and here at home. In early July we will be launching the next wave of advocacy around Acute Care Concerns with a focus on our colleagues in General Surgery.

The Urgency Is Still Real: Physician Comprehensive Care Model

We know that the Transitional Funding Program helped relieve a little pressure, but that family medicine and rural generalist practices are still struggling financially. We need the long-term solutions absolutely as soon as possible.

We know that family and rural physicians need to know what we are discussing with government regarding the Physician Comprehensive Care Model. Register for the next Inside Scoop Virtual Town Hall (member login required) that will focus on the latest PCCM developments. To keep members informed about the work being done to move toward implementation of the PCCM, the AMA Strike Team has launched a newsletter - Strike Team BRIEF. The first issue was sent out to family physicians and rural generalists on June 10. These newsletters will be issued as and when details and information become available and will also be made available on the AMA website (member login required).

Your representatives from the Sections of Family Medicine and Rural Medicine have had no break in their efforts to finalize the PCCM for fall 2024. We owe them many thanks for their dedication. Discussions continue and things are moving quickly. Many elements are agreed upon, but others remain contentious. We will keep pushing for what family and rural generalist physicians need – and for the model to be available in fall 2024.

Advocacy and More Advocacy

The Board reviewed results from the AMA’s 2023-24 Tracker Survey. Across all activities, specialties and locations, members are calling for every decibel of noise we can generate to speak to government and explain to Albertans what is happening in their health care system. The level of AMA advocacy this past year is unprecedented, but more will be needed: as the system is reorganized; as both acute and primary care worlds continue in a state of crisis; and as complex medical, social and political issues are affecting our ability to maintain our relationships with our patients and deliver the care we are trained to provide.

We will do more. There will be opportunities to leverage the expertise within the membership. Stay tuned.


Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association