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Nominate an Alberta physician for CMA President-Elect

Every year, the Canadian Medical Association holds nominations and election processes for the position of CMA president-elect and this year the president-elect will be chosen from Alberta. 

President's Letter

Dear Members:

Every year, the Canadian Medical Association holds nominations and election processes for the position of CMA president-elect and this year the president-elect will be chosen from Alberta. If Alberta’s nominee is ratified, that physician will become CMA president in August 2022.

This is an exciting opportunity for Alberta and comes at a very opportune time. The importance of the AMA’s relationship with the CMA cannot be understated. The CMA’s support of Alberta’s physicians has been critical throughout this past year. In addition to its public advocacy and support, the CMA doubled its initial financial commitment to help support the AMA's legal, research and advocacy efforts. This support is tremendously valued.

Even though most health care policy that affects us is crafted at a provincial level, national advocacy has always been important. In the coming years, there are a number of issues on the federal health landscape that require strong physician leadership and advocacy. To name a few, these include: plans for a national pharmacare program; addressing the social determinants of health in our First Nations communities; controlling rising drug costs; securing a stable medication supply; improving the health of seniors including addressing conditions in long term care; addressing the variability in the pandemic response by the provinces and distribution of a potential COVID-19 vaccine.

Alberta physicians require a strong voice – both provincially and nationally. The AMA and CMA are already working together on many areas of common interest because we know we can make a bigger difference together. The installation of an Alberta physician as CMA president in 2022 will only make this connection stronger.

Some members may have already begun the nomination process, but even if you have not, it’s not too late to submit your nomination documents. Nominations are due on November 26.  

Candidate information will be posted on this coming mid-January. Alberta CMA members will then be invited to vote between February 11 and 25, and the winning candidate will be announced February 26. Visit the CMA's website to learn about the elections process and more.

Join me in advance in congratulating all the nominees. Even contemplating this endeavor is no simple task and they all deserve our respect. We are blessed with a wealth of amazing physician leaders in Alberta and I am confident that we, and indeed the country, will be well represented. 2022-23 will be a year to remember for the CMA and AMA.

Your comments are welcome in the following ways:

  • Communicate with me privately and directly by email if you would like a reply:  
  • Comment publicly on this President’s Letter on the AMA website (please be aware that comments are public, i.e., not members-only, even if you are logged in as a member). 


Paul E. Boucher, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association