President's Letter
Dear Members,
Discussions with government
We have kept the Representative Forum up to date on details of negotiations with government for a new agreement. Your leaders have heard that the interests-based approach to negotiations has allowed us some progress. The physician interests brought forward by the AMA still hold true to what members have told us really matters for patients, practices and the profession:
Since the May 13-14 RF meeting, there have been several days of negotiations and additional informal discussions. I have spoken at length with the minister. Both sides remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached, but some significant barriers still remain.
As the pandemic continues to unfold, our patients are facing difficult circumstances and many things are happening. You likely have seen in the news that a provincial leadership race will be held in the coming months. There is immediacy to the issues at hand, as our advocacy on the care deficit has highlighted. We will continue to bring forward these concerns about patient care and do our best to seek solutions.
Have you referred waiting patients yet?
We have launched to allow Albertans to register their care deficit experiences. Please refer individuals to the (easy-to-use) website, if:
- your practice is not accepting new patients;
- patients have to wait to see you;
- your patients are waiting for tests, treatment or procedures.
Help us to measure, track and understand the care deficit. We will report on what we learn to the public and our system partners and advocate for improvements.
Here's a poster for your waiting and examining rooms.
Member survey opens this week
Last August we surveyed members regarding the state of their practices, the care deficit observed in their patients and whether they were planning any changes to their practices as a result of the environment. This was a benchmark study. Later this week we will be repeating the survey to track how members are doing now on the various indicators. It also provides a space to indicate what the AMA can do at this time to support you best. Please watch for an invitation to participate in the survey coming via email later this week. We will report back to you on the results.
I will write again soon. Please feel free to send me your thoughts, ideas or suggestions. You can reach me any time in the following ways:
- Communicate with me privately and directly by email if you would like a reply: president
@albertadoctors - Comment publicly on this President’s Letter (please be aware that comments are public, i.e., not members-only, even if you are logged in as a member).
Vesta Michelle Warren, MD, CCFP, FCFP
President, Alberta Medical Association