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Moving fast to save family and rural generalist medicine practices

In February the government will introduce its budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, and we are working to ensure that commitments made to support family medicine and rural generalists form part of the priorities that are included in that plan.

Dr. Paul Parks, AMA Past-President

President's Letter

Dear Members,
In February the government will introduce its budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, and we are working to ensure that commitments they have made to support family medicine and rural generalists form part of the priorities that are included in that budget. Intense work is underway under our Memorandum of Understanding, and the Board has committed every necessary AMA resource. Proposals that are being developed for longitudinal family practice and immediate sustainability must benefit all aspects of family medicine and rural generalist practice, but we do not have the luxury of time.

We have established an internal group to lead the AMA’s input to government under the MOU. Known as the AMA Strike Team, it includes representatives from the Section of Family Medicine, Section of Rural Medicine and PCN Physician Leads Executive. I’m impressed with the effort of your colleagues as they lean into this work on your behalf. The Strike Team met for the first time on October 30 and is meeting weekly to develop proposals for discussion with Alberta Health.

In order to be part of the considerations for Budget 2024, we will need to submit a proposal to Minister LaGrange very soon. She has in turn committed to considering proposals in this time frame. The AMA Strike Team is focused on three streams.

  • Stream 1: Core elements of a new payment model supporting longitudinal family practice and other existing model improvements including costing and budget.
  • Stream 2: Other elements of immediate stabilization in primary care.
  • Stream 3: Administrative burden.

The evolution of team-based care will be part of our efforts, but that work cuts across the three streams as opposed to forming one of its own.

Now we need you to engage with this process.

One of the first principles the Strike Team established was to be transparent with members about what is happening in these planning discussions. We have launched a new AMA Strike Team page (member login required) on the AMA website. This is your one-stop-shop for all things relating to this work and it will be updated frequently. I strongly encourage all family medicine and rural generalist members to visit the new page often.

It’s to your advantage to be fully informed. If you would like to receive an email reminder each time new information is added to the website, please email

We are considering other opportunities for direct engagement with members in the context of the compressed timeframes we are working under, including webinars, surveys or focus groups. We will keep you continually informed via the website, so please check back often.


Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association