Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Louder urgency, town hall upcoming

The urgency is real and compounding. We need the Physician Comprehensive Care Model approved, formally announced and implemented before fall.

Dear Members,

The urgency is real and compounding. We need the Physician Comprehensive Care Model approved, formally announced and implemented before fall. We have also been very clear with government that there is a second and equally important concurrent health care crisis that needs immediate attention. We desperately need our Acute Care Stabilization Proposal (member login required) to be acted upon.

I’ve said these things to you before. Today I’m sharing these messages with Albertans again, also. Please see my op-ed column and a couple of media interviews from the last 24 hours, below:

Our advocacy requires a timely response. We expect to receive one. Albertans deserve nothing less. You will be the first to know.

Join our member-only Inside Scoop Town Hall, Thursday, August 15, 6 - 7 p.m. for the latest breaking news and opportunity for questions. Registration is open (member login required).

Paul Parks
President, Alberta Medical Association
PS: You can read ongoing media coverage on the AMA in the News webpage and subscribe to News for Docs for the latest in health care news.