2024/2025 Membership Renewal is now open!

If they aren't listening, we'll shout

This is my first President’s Letter. I am honoured to take on this role. I will have your back and fight with everything I’ve got.

Dear Members,

Having just assumed the role of president at the Fall Representative Forum on Saturday, September 21, this is my first President’s Letter. I am honoured to take on this role. I will have your back and fight with everything I’ve got.

I use the word “fight” advisedly, if regretfully. We will not walk away from commitments for collaboration or requirements under the agreement when it comes to working with government. We know that criticizing government is less than conducive to having a smooth relationship with them, but the RF concluded that government has chosen not to act on the advice of physicians or to execute informed reform.

Therefore, we have no choice. If we are not being heard, then it’s time to shout. As I told the media at a news conference yesterday morning

We are deeply, sincerely afraid that the health care system in Alberta is ready to collapse past the point of repair anytime soon. And … because we must advocate for our patients … our patience has come to an end.

Thanks to members who participated in a recent benchmark survey. We shared some results at the news conference yesterday. They are distressing. Only 42% of physicians say they are planning to remain in their current practices. 58% are thinking of leaving by 2029. 65% of those have already taken steps to begin the process. I am sorry it has come to this, but members need to do what they need to do. Soon we will launch a tool through which members can register their practice changes so that we can report on what is happening, in real-time, as it happens. 

I begin my term at a rather challenging time, but as the RF soundly demonstrated, there is strength in acting together, in determination and with a relentless focus on what patients need. Thank you for what you do every day. Thank you for what you will do in the year ahead. Albertans are counting on us. What does that mean? We will:

  • Increase our efforts to let Albertans know what is happening in the health care system.
  • Counter misinformation with facts and evidence.
  • Empower Albertans to raise their concerns with elected officials. 
  • Gather data, report and monitor -- both from physicians and patients at the point of care.
  • Explore methods of Active Advocacy in which members can engage. We will need your help.

This inaugural letter is also signed by Immediate Past President Dr. Paul Parks, to signal that you will have both of us speaking on your behalf this year. To ensure we can grab every opportunity to advocate for patients and members, Paul will share the load and continue to raise our collective voice in the media. 


Shelley Duggan, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association

Paul Parks
Immediate Past President, Alberta Medical Association

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  1. Margaret Kramer Member of the public

    As a patient with complex health conditions I am extremely concerned about what lies ahead for our Physicians. My Dr is wonderful and I am afraid of losing him. I really appreciate everything Dr Parks has done in the past year. May you both, working together, have success in the time ahead to encourage our Physicians and new Physicians to stay in Alberta . Thank you Shelly Duggan for embracing this challenge with such determination! Margaret Kramer

  2. Brent Dane Member of the public

    I am frustrated and angry at the delays and obstruction by the Health minister in fee negotiations. This reflects the UCP hostility to effective science based public health, refusal to cooperate with HCW and leaders and creation of 4 siloed bureaucracies. I support the AMA in this struggle. Public education and municipalities face the same struggle.

  3. Tracy Purdon Member of the public

    Thanks for your advocacy. This is the most corrupt and incompetent govt I have ever experienced. I write my UCP frequently about the collapse of responsibility by this govt on the most important portfolios (education and healthcare). Many are with you.

  4. hans peter berkhout Physician

    please speak out LOUDLY against the suggestions made by premier Danielle Smith re; downplaying importance of immunizations. Thank you Hans Berkhout (MD retired)

  5. Duncan McCubbin Physician

    I 100 percent agree Danielle Smith is not listening and morale is at its lowest

  6. Cristina Other health care professional

    Thank-you for taking a stand. I am increasingly afraid of remaining in Alberta as a patient or as a practitioner, and it breaks my heart seeing every Albertan facing a longer, harder road to access care and seeing all the gaps in care resulting from the discord of what can be accomplished with the resources we are given. Thank-you, keep up the fight for our patients and communities.