Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Enhanced virtual care code bulletin now posted

The Alberta Health Bulletin for enhanced virtual care codes has now been published. 

President's Letter

Dear Members,

The Alberta Health Bulletin for enhanced virtual care codes has now been published. 

I wrote to you on December 30 and January 7 regarding the new virtual care codes. Government agreed to implement these as a result of our recent discussions to address some priority issues in the system as part of exploring a return to negotiations and to stabilize physician practices.

Effective January 1/2022, physicians can now include same-day indirect care (e.g. patient management, documentation, care coordination time) as part of a virtual appointment. Choose the appropriate fee code based on the time requirement (03.01AD, 03.03CV, 03.03FV, 03.08CV) and add the time modifier for your specialty if your time qualifies. Because programming for this change in AH’s claims system isn’t complete, they’ll publish a further bulletin notifying you when you can start submitting these claims with modifiers. AMA Health Economics team members will provide a Billing Tip with additional information shortly.

Physicians will receive the bulletin directly from AH, but I wanted to be doubly sure that you received it.

I will write again soon.


Vesta Michelle Warren, MD, CCFP, FCFP
President, Alberta Medical Association