Dear Members,
The AMA has reviewed Alberta’s 2025 Budget, and while there are some positive investments, significant concerns remain about how the government plans to meet the growing demands on our health care system.
We welcome the increased funding for primary care, mental health and addictions and continuing care, as well as support for Indigenous health and rural recruitment. The investments in surgical and urgent care services are encouraging, but without a clear workforce plan, it’s uncertain whether wait times will improve.
Unfortunately, the Physician Compensation and Development Budget falls far short of what is needed – approximately $600 million below this year’s projected patient care demands. The physician budget fails to account for population growth, inflation and patient complexity. There is also no funding for acute care stabilization, leaving these critical services at risk.
The AMA is seeking clarity on a number of items in the budget, including the transfer of health properties to Alberta Infrastructure and the cost implications for physicians. We are also concerned about increased reliance on private for-profit health care providers. Without a clear workforce plan that prioritizes the public system, we worry about unintended consequences and an overall reduction in value for taxpayer dollars.
You can read the AMA’s full response here: AMA Response to Alberta’s 2025 Budget.
The AMA will continue to advocate for physicians and patients to ensure Alberta’s health care system is properly funded and sustainable.
Shelley Duggan, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association