Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

AMA & CMA Membership renewal: Offering members a choice

AMA/CMA renewal notices will be sent out later this week. AMA and CMA dues remain unchanged from last year and we want to remind members that, starting this year, membership in the CMA will be optional for Alberta physicians. Through our renewed partnership, the AMA and CMA are working together to advance our shared priorities and to advocate for physicians at the national and provincial levels, and that is why we want to encourage all AMA members to continue to support the CMA when they renew this year.

Dear Members:

Offering members a choice

AMA/CMA renewal notices will be sent out later this week. AMA and CMA dues remain unchanged from last year and we want to remind members that, starting this year, membership in the CMA will be optional for Alberta physicians. Through our renewed partnership, the AMA and CMA are working together to advance our shared priorities and to advocate for physicians at the national and provincial levels, and that is why we want to encourage all AMA members to continue to support the CMA when they renew this year.

The logistics

During membership renewal, the AMA will automatically carry forward your CMA membership selection from 2018-19. Basically, if you were a CMA member last year, you will be pre-selected for a CMA membership this year. As with other voluntary dues, such as section and zone memberships, AMA members have the option to deselect CMA membership before renewing and that option is clearly indicated on the renewal form.

Advancing the AMA-CMA Relationship

In February of this year, the AMA and CMA announced a new collaboration – outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding – to align activities and partner on joint initiatives that advance our shared priorities.

In March we were pleased to put the MOU into action with the announcement that Well Doc Alberta would be the first initiative to be supported. Through this initiative, Well Doc Alberta is receiving an investment contribution of $1.6 million over three years from Scotiabank, in collaboration with MD Financial Management (MD) and the CMA.

There are other examples: The CMA recently held a Regional Medical Forum in Edmonton and has many other engagement activities underway in order to understand and meet the needs of Alberta physicians. Both the MOU and our strong history together promise more success ahead.

Joint membership in the AMA and CMA offers excellent value by providing many benefits and services. AMA membership can provide:

  • Financial benefits - including medical liability reimbursement of CMPA dues and continuing medical education reimbursement 
  • Personal benefits - including insurance services, Physician and Family Support Program (PFSP) and parental leave 
  • Insurance benefits - through ADIUM Insurance we offer and endorse for all of your insurance needs-personally and for your practice, including disability, health and dental, emergency travel, critical illness, overhead, term life, business interruption, home and automobile 
  • Professional benefits - including clinical practice guidelines, practice management consultation, access to research on CMA's website, publications (CMAJ, Alberta Doctors' Digest, MD Scope, Section News) and advocacy with government, media and the public

In addition to CMAJ, Canada’s leading general medical research journal, your CMA membership includes complimentary access to leading evidence-based clinical products ― valued at more than $2,000 annually.

The AMA and CMA are working on areas of common interest because we know we can make a bigger difference together. We ask you to lend your support to both Associations. Your dual membership creates a stronger voice for physicians as the AMA and CMA advocate on your behalf in the changing landscape of our health care system.

We look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead to work side-by-side and with Alberta members on the issues that matter most to you. If you have any questions, please get in touch in one of the following ways:

  • Email us at the addresses listed below, if you would like to receive a reply; 
  • Share your perspectives with colleagues on the AMA member-only Discussion Board or the CMA’s new community engagement platform (member login required for both); or 
  • Comment publicly below


Dr. Alison Clarke
President, AMA

Dr. Sandy Buchman
President, CMA