President's Letter
Dear Members:
Currently there are two separate Continuing Medical Education (CME) benefit programs to consider.
The 2021/22 CME program, administered by Alberta Health, launched in late November and is for CME expenses incurred between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022. Physicians have until January 27, 2023 to submit their claim for this $2,100 benefit. See our tips for an easy and quick CME claim.
The 2022/23 CME program, administered by the AMA, is for expenses incurred between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023. This program will follow similar parameters to the 2021/22 program and will be launched early in the new year. Details will be shared as soon as the grant agreement with Alberta Health is finalized.
Most AMA members have already renewed their memberships. If you haven’t already, please renew as soon as possible to ensure eligibility for these and other benefits and programs.
You are always welcome to share your thoughts with me. You can email me via president
fred Rinaldi, MD, CCFP, FCFP, LLB, MBA, MPA(HSA), BCom
President, Alberta Medical Association
"Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm.' The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.'"