Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

AMA Anti-Indigenous bias

Media reports over the weekend highlighted a 2020 study by colleagues at the University of Calgary that found significant presence of explicit anti-Indigenous bias among some physicians who participated in the survey. This is disheartening. Such bias exacerbates health inequity that is already severe. It is also deeply rooted and will take time to eliminate, but stating our intent to do so is the first step.

The AMA formed our Indigenous Health Committee in 2018 to address the health recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Our ongoing commitment is expressed in our Indigenous Health Policy Statement including principles and commitments that guide us as an organization. We encourage all physicians, resident physicians, medical students and allied health providers to engage in professional development to provide care with cultural safety and humility toward Indigenous patients.

Our policy statement quotes Senator Murray Sinclair who oversaw the TRC.

“Achieving reconciliation is like climbing a mountain – we must proceed a step at a time. It will not always be easy. There will be storms, there will be obstacles, but we cannot allow ourselves to be daunted by the task because our goal is Just and it is also necessary.”

Dr. Fredrykka Rinaldi
AMA President