Drs. Marjan Abbasi and Sheny Khera

Dr. Marjan Abbasi (pictured left) is a primary care physician with extra training in care of the elderly. She is the Site Lead for the Geriatric Program at the Misericordia Hospital and an Associate Clinical Professor in the Division of Care of Elderly with over 14 years of clinical and teaching experience. The focus of her practice (both as a primary care physician and as a consultant in areas such as inpatient, outpatient and assisted living) is the care for seniors living with frailty.

Dr. Abbasi has designed and implemented a number of programs to respond to the unmet needs of the senior population. She received the Physician Innovator of the Year Award from the Edmonton Zone Medical Association in 2014, for leading the Geriatric Evaluation and Management program in the emergency department at the Misericordia hospital.

Dr. Abbasi is the Medical Lead for the creation and implementation of a Senior Friendly Strategy Framework at the Misericordia hospital to improve inpatient care of seniors with frailty. She is also the co-lead with co-author Dr. Sheny Khera in creating and operationalizing an integrated care model to proactively identify and manage seniors living with frailty in primary care, Senior Community Hub, which received national recognition from Canadian Frailty network in 2018.

Dr. Sheny Khera (pictured right) is a family physician and full-time Faculty member of the Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta. Additionally, she holds a Masters in Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Dr. Khera has over 15 years of clinical experience and is the Site Director of the Misericordia Family Medicine Centre, a community-based family medicine practice affiliated with the Department of Family Medicine, Covenant Health, and Edmonton Oliver Primary Care Network.

Her research interests are in Collaborative practice, Senior’s care and Primary health care transformation. In recognition of her leadership in improving the care of older adults in Alberta, Dr. Khera was awarded a certificate of added competence in Care of the Elderly, leadership route and is a member of the Division of Care of the Elderly, Department of Family Medicine, University of Alberta.

Dr. Khera is committed to advancing healthy ageing, implementing solutions to mitigate frailty and building partnerships to spark system wide changes towards integrated primary care.