Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Dr. Erika Dempsey

Dr. Erika Dempsey completed her medical degree at the University of Alberta and her Internal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine training at the University of British Columbia.

She came to Calgary in 2014 where she is currently a clinical assistant professor with the University of Calgary.

She has interest in education with roles as the co-chair for the Neurosciences, Aging and Special Senses (Course 5) at the Cumming School of Medicine and is the Associate Program Director for the Geriatric Medicine residency training program.

She has numerous clinical interests including osteoporosis and is the medical co-lead for the Fracture Liaison Service in Alberta.

Her clinical practice involves inpatient consultation at Peter Lougheed hospital and outpatient clinic at the Seniors Health Clinic.