MD Scope Newletter

MD Scope is the Alberta Medical Association’s email newsletter, sent to members and subscribers at least twice each month.

Each regular issue of MD Scope includes classifieds.

Typical stories include:

  • AMA news and events
  • Member benefits and services
  • Alberta Health Services/Alberta Health initiatives and updates
  • Program-related information: Physician and Family Support Program, CII/CPAR, etc.
  • Conferences, workshops and other learning opportunities

Visit the MD Scope archive for past issues.

Read the latest issue

August 15, 2024

In this issue:

  • Register to attend the Member-only Town Hall tonight at 6 p.m.
  • Notice of elections and changes to AMA Bylaws
  • Preparing for new AMA website launch
  • New webinar series: PCCM Panel Prep - take control of your panel size estimate
  • Submit a one-step nomination today!
  • New MD Culture Shift: July-August issue
  • AHS Updates: 
    • Active health advisories
    • AHS Long-COVID clinic closures
    • Clinical guidance for listeria exposure
    • Connect Care clinical documents: Address delivery method update
    • Updated Pathway Development Toolkit available on Alberta's Pathway Hub
  • MD Financial 
    • What's the best order for drawing your retirement income?
  • Community Connections