The Service Alberta Health Investigations Unit (HIU) conducts criminal investigations into fraudulent physician claims made to the AHCIP.
- HIU operates under a memorandum of understanding between Service Alberta and Alberta Health.
- HIU members are affiliates under the Health Information Act and sworn peace officers with authority under the Criminal Code to investigate fraud.
- HIU assesses all information received; files are then assigned, investigated and if a criminal threshold is met, criminally prosecuted.
- HIU does not become directly involved in civil or regulatory investigations.
- For clarity, Alberta Health Compliance and Monitoring Branch conducts audits of physician claims and pursues civil recovery. The current claims reassessment process remains the same and will continue to be the responsibility of Alberta Health.
- The CPSA deals with Standards of Practice, including Code of Conduct issues and the physician obligation of reporting such matters to the CPSA.
Please contact HIU at HIU