Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.


Billing for spending a certain minimum amount of time with a complex hospital inpatient.


All of the following criteria must be met:

  • COINPT: This modifier is different in that both criteria listed below must be met in order to claim for services provided in acute-care facilities:
    • The physician must spend a minimum of 20 minutes on managing the patient's care.
    • The patient is a complex hospital inpatient with multi-system disease whose co-morbidities complicate or increase the care required by the physicians involved.
  • COINPT: In order to submit claims for the COINPT modifier for patients in LTC facilities, the patient must:
    • Be suffering from the conditions above, or
    • Have acute intercurrent illness (and the physician has spent 20 minutes or more on patient care).

This modifier can only be claimed once per day per physician per patient for acute-care patients on HSCs 03.03D, 03.03AR.

Managing the patient’s care includes the following activities, which must be completed on the same date of service that the patient was seen:

  • Writing a referral letter.
  • Charting.
  • Reviewing the chart.
  • Reviewing but not waiting for lab/DI results.
  • Talking to and examining the patient.
  • Anything the physician does in relation to the patient's care. 

These fee codes may not be claimed for the following:

When the physician has only met one of the qualifying criteria mentioned above.

Related fee codes:

03.03D, 03.03AR