March 25 11:30 a.m. - Please note there are currently disruptions to our member dashboard. We are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.


Our digital publications and newsletters keep members informed about association activities, people, news and events from the medical community in Alberta and across the country.

Our Publications

President's Letter

The "voice of the AMA" – Published regularly throughout the year, the President's Letter informs you about Alberta Medical Association positions on key and complex issues in Alberta’s health care.

President's Letter

Alberta Doctors' Digest

The Alberta Doctors’ Digest is the AMA's bimonthly news magazine. It is published electronically six times per year and features articles and regular columns covering subjects and events of interest to Alberta physicians. Regular columns include: Health Law Update, PFSP Perspectives, Dr. Gadget, Insurance Insights and much more.

Alberta Doctors' Digest
Dr. Cameron Sklar, President, AMA Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology

MD Scope Newletter

MD Scope is the Alberta Medical Association’s email newsletter, sent to members and subscribers at least twice each month.

Each regular issue of MD Scope includes classifieds.

MD Scope