Contribute to the Tarrant Scholarship

September 9, 2021

Over the past few years, the Section of Rural Medicine has partnered with AMA and the Canadian Medical Foundation to enable members to contribute, on a charitable basis, to the Tarrant Scholarship program.

The Tarrant Scholarship is awarded to third-year medical students who demonstrate an interest in rural medicine. The ultimate goal and purpose of the scholarship is recognizing and supporting a medical student’s commitment to helping and caring for the people who live and work in rural communities in our province. It is one of Alberta’s largest unrestricted medical school undergraduate awards and for over the past 17 years, has been awarded to 43 medical students translating to over $445,000 in scholarship funds bestowed!

The Tarrant Scholarship program accounts for approximately 30% of the Section of Rural Medicine’s budget, but would not be sustainable without the help of donations from our medical colleagues. We invite you to consider making a tax-deductible donation this year in order to help ensure the continuation of this important scholarship. Donations can be made by completing the “Donations” section of the AMA online membership renewal and by choosing to support the Tarrant Scholarship. Alternatively, you may contact Kirsten Sieben, Team Lead, Membership and Benefits at 780-482-0323 or

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.