PARA Group Disability

The Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta provides group disability insurance.

While you are a resident physician, your:

  • Coverage is automatic if you are a ministry-funded resident physician (your premiums are paid under the collective agreement).
  • Monthly disability benefit is 75% of your pre-tax monthly salary.
  • Benefits start after 90 days of disability.
  • Benefit period is to age 65 or until you are no longer disabled.
  • Coverage is subject to a pre-existing conditions clause. See the plan booklet below for more information.

How do I find out more?

The Group disability Insurance section of our PARA plans booklet explains:

  • Total or partial disability benefits.
  • Survivor benefits.
  • Work re-entry.
  • Recurrent disability.
  • The HIV Positive Hepatitis B/C Positive Benefit.
  • The Cost of Living Adjustment Benefit.
  • Limitations and exclusions.
  • Continuing your insurance coverage after you complete your residency program.

Read the PARA Group Disability and Life Insurance Plans booklet

How do I register?

  • Coverage is automatic, but you need to register.
  • You must be a PARA member to join the plan.
  • The registration form allows you to appoint a beneficiary for your life insurance.
  • The form also allows us to record your mailing address and completion date, so that we can let you know about conversion options when you have finished your residency. Complete the Registration Form for PARA Insurance Plans.

Download Form

Supplemental Disability Insurance for Post-Graduate residents

AMA post-graduate resident members may supplement their PARA Disability Insurance plan with up to $4,000/monthly benefit under the AMA Disability Insurance plan at a 50% discount off our already competitive AMA physician rates.

Learn more about the PARA/AMA advantage for residents.

To learn more about the AMA Disability Insurance plan and to obtain the application, please see Disability Insurance.

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