Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Term Life Insurance

The AMA’s Term Life Insurance plan helps protect the financial security of your loved ones, if you should pass away suddenly or unexpectedly and could no longer provide for them. 

Your Term Life coverage can help pay for:

  • Mortgage and other personal debt 
  • Children’s education needs 
  • Income taxes that may be payable at your death 
  • Retirement funds for your spouse 
  • Funeral and other expenses 
  • Business debt or partnership insurance 
  • And anything else your family may need

Life insurance can help your family continue to enjoy their current lifestyle and move forward with their life goals. It’s especially important if:

  • Your loved ones would have a difficult time managing financially without you
  • You are a single income producer who provides sole support, or a majority of the support, for your family.

AMA Premium Credit

While not guaranteed, members have received a premium credit on the Term Life Insurance plan 17 of the last 20 years. There is no AMA Premium Credit available in 2024.

Competitive group rates
By purchasing insurance through ADIUM you enjoy competitive rates. Thanks to the power of your group membership, you’ll be hard-pressed to find lower rates on individual plans.

Portable coverage
With AMA, your coverage is portable worldwide (contact ADIUM for details).

Expert advice, at no added cost
Benefit from the knowledge of ADIUM administration, an easy application & approval process with no built-in sales commission.

You and your spouse can apply for between $50,000 to $5 million, in units of $50,000. 

Elite underwriting
If you and your spouse are healthier, low-risk individuals who apply for at least $250,000 of coverage, you are automatically considered for even lower, elite rates.

Conversion privilege
You can convert your AMA Term Life Insurance to one of the permanent individual life insurance plans offered by Manulife, provided you do so before reaching age 70.
Please speak with an ADIUM advisor to find out more about your conversion options.

Living benefit
If you’re insured and diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than 12 months to live, you can access up to 50% of your death benefit (to a $200,000 maximum) to use at your discretion.

Future Insurance Option (FIO)

The FIO allows you to add additional coverage at a later date even if you become uninsurable for medical reasons.

  • You or your spouse can add the FIO to your coverage until age 55 with proof of good health (medical underwriting required).
  • You can exercise your options within 60 days of:
    • Marriage or eligible common-law relationship
    • Birth or legal adoption of a child
    • The day you turn age 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 or 55
      At each option date you may apply for $50,000 of coverage, depending on the overall plan maximum.

You must be actively at work when you apply unless you are on parental leave or approved leave of absence.

Waiver of premium

Coverage allows you to keep your life insurance without having to pay premiums if you become totally disabled for three consecutive months before age 65.

  • Add this to your or your spouse’s coverage.
  • Requires medical underwriting when applying.
  • Coverage continues for as long as your total disability lasts until you turn 75.

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Need to change your beneficiary?

Beneficiary Designation Form

Want more information?

Learn more about AMA’s Term Life Insurance including: coverage and highlights, eligibility and exclusions.

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Underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company

Manulife & Stylized M Design, and Stylized M Design are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license. All rights reserved. Manulife, PO Box 670, Stn Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2J 4B8.

Complete details of coverage, including any limitations, restrictions or exclusions that may apply, are set out in the Policy Certificate provided on enrollment.