Infographic - Value of Family Medicine
Please download and print as needed. |
The Joint Physician Advocacy Committee (JPAC) developed this infographic to help illustrate the role Family Medicine plays in our complex health care system. It offers a snapshot of all the health services provided in a single day in Alberta and notes that although Family Medicine delivers the majority of services, it represents only 8% of health care spending in Alberta. Download the infographic. We want all Albertans to understand that Family Medicine is the foundation of our health care system. Without it, they won’t be able to access the care they need, when and where they need it. |
Please consider downloading and posting this infographic in your clinic or sharing it on social media. If you’d like, we’d be happy to print it and mail it to you – just send us an email at jpac
Key messages
- We are dedicated stewards of the health care system and are constantly exploring system savings and improvements.
- We understand the economic challenges this province is facing and want to be part of creating sustainable, safe solutions.
- We believe all Albertans should have access to quality, timely care whenever and wherever they need it.
- We are dedicated to creating a medical home for patients and working together to deliver the continuity of care all Albertans deserve.