Albertans and Care Deficit

For Alberta doctors, the health of you and your family is our number one priority. And we’re concerned. As part of our ongoing efforts to address the health care deficit, we have created this page. If you've arrived here it is likely because you have already personally experienced access or care issues stemming from a shortage of system availability and capacity. We are providing resources for Albertans to help navigate in the interim, but we also need to hear your voice in order to bring attention to solving the crisis.

For Alberta doctors, the health of you and your family is our number one priority. And we’re concerned.

As part of our ongoing efforts to address the health care deficit, we have created this page. If you've arrived here it is likely because you have already personally experienced access or care issues stemming from a shortage of system availability and capacity. We are providing resources for Albertans to help navigate in the interim, but we also need to hear your voice in order to bring attention to solving the crisis.

Can't find a doctor? Looking for care?

We need to hear your story to be able to advocate for you. To that end, we have created a short, online survey to help use understand and raise awareness around the type and number of issues facing Albertans. You can learn more and add your story at Survey responses are confidential.

Care Deficit Patient Resources

We have provided the below resources to help Albertans understand and navigate the care deficit. Expand each list for resources pertaining to that topic. Be sure to check back, as we are regularly updating and growing our list. These resources were recommended by doctors who contributed to our Care Deficit Assessment Series.

Alberta Emergency Department Wait Times
Note: The estimated waiting time to see a physician in Emergency is approximate and is for informational purposes only. Please remember, the department provides care to the most critical cases first.

Alberta Find a Doctor
Enter an address, postal code or community below to find out which family doctors are accepting new patients in your area.

  • Health Education and Learning (HEAL)
    • A resource aimed at providing families across Alberta easily accessible, reliable information about common minor illness and injuries in children.
  • Family Support for Children with Disabilities
    • Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) helps families plan, coordinate and access services to raise a child with disabilities.
  • (New) ALIGN Association of Community Services - Transition to Adulthood Program
    • Starting April 4, government will provide young adults with targeted services they choose based on their goals and dreams for their future, additional supports will be provided, which will focus on supports and services the young adult needs to successfully transition into adulthood.
  • ACCESS Open Minds Edmonton (youth 16-25)
    • A national youth mental health network uniting youth, families/caregivers, leading researchers, service providers and decision makers in revolutionizing services and leading ground-breaking research
    • Edmonton walk-in clinic embedded within a youth and young adult friendly environment. Individuals and their supports are welcomed and seen by a clinic therapist on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Inclusion Alberta
    • A family-based, non-profit federation that advocates on behalf of children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families.
    • More than 40 non-profit organizations belong to Inclusion Alberta, main offices located in Edmonton and Calgary with staff in every region of Alberta.
  • FASD Coaching Families
    • Assists families in their own home as they learn about and respond to the needs of their children who are affected by or are strongly suspected of being affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). 
  • ADHD Association of Greater Edmonton
    • A registered charity whose mission is to offer information and support to those living with ADHD in the Greater Edmonton Area. It offers facilitated ADHD support groups for parents, adults, young adults and partners of adults.
  • ADHD Family & Community Resource Centre
    • Patients, families, health care providers and community members have access to reliable and comprehensive information, resources and supports related to children's health and well-being.
  • Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta (LDAA)
    • Dedicated to maximizing the potential of people with learning disabilities. The provincial organization focuses its efforts on province-wide initiatives, most specifically representing the learning disabilities community at the provincial level.
  • Autism Society of Alberta
    • Provides services and support to people in the community who are living with autism spectrum disorder, connects families, individuals and professionals with autism-related resources.
  • Addiction and Mental Health – Information for Albertans
    • This site provides important 24/7 numbers, links to numerous programs and services, and resources and tools for Albertans.
  • Child Mental Health – Anxiety
    • Dedicated to improving child mental health services in the primary care setting by promoting the use of evidence-based information and the efficient use of evidence-based rating scales in everyday practice.
    • The Anxiety Canada website has information and offers access to proven resources for children, youth and families.
    • The Teen Mental Health website has information, resources and tools related to anxiety.
    • The Here to Help website has information and resources related to anxiety.
  • Child Mental Health – Resources