EZMSA Bylaws Information

Review EZMSA Bylaws and vote on proposed changes.

Review EZMSA Bylaws and vote on proposed changes.

The proposed revisions to the EZMSA Bylaws were circulated to all active (voting) EZMSA members on November 4, 2020 for consideration at the Annual General Meeting on November 5, 2020. Under the current bylaws, 60 days notice is required specifying the intention to propose the resolution. The Society has met this requirement as over 210 days have passed for all members to review the proposed revisions to the bylaws. Please note that a few minor formatting edits were made (no content was altered) from the version given to the membership in November. The final version is provided in the link below.

The current bylaws require an Extraordinary Special Meeting to vote on the new proposed amendments. The EZMSA is hosting an e-vote rather than an in-person meeting in consideration of the pandemic and our inability to meet in-person. As a result, active EZMSA members are eligible to vote on the motion on the bylaws electronically. The quorum requires 16 active EZMSA members to participate for the results to be declared valid. A 75% majority is required to accept changes to the new bylaws. 

The documents circulated to active members on November 4, 2020 were:


THAT the proposed Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association Bylaws provided to active (voting) EZMSA members via email on November 4, 2020, pursuant to required notice, be accepted and the current EZMSA Bylaws from 2011 be repealed in their entirety.

Voting will close at 4 p.m. Friday, July 9.

Ready to Vote?

Do you have a question regarding the bylaws? Please email Dr. Erika MacIntyre (President).

Do you have a question regarding the e-vote process? Please contact Bobbie Jo Hawkes, Manager, Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association by email (bobbiejo.hawkes@albertadoctors.org) or call 780.408.9630 ext 5630.

The AMA does not track how you vote. To help us understand member needs and serve you better, at an aggregate, anonymous level, we will analyze demographic characteristics of voting members.

Only those members who have an active membership in the EZMSA as recorded in the office of the association and who are in good standing are entitled to vote.