
AMA elections run in accordance with AMA Bylaws, including Representative Forum leaders, Board of Directors, Speaker, Deputy Speaker and President-Elect.

AMHSP Council

Each AMHSP Arrangement elects a representative to the AMHSP Council. Elections occur January-March (or as required if a mid-term vacancy occurs) and terms are generally three years, unless a vacancy is being filled.

About the council

The AMHSP Council brings together AMA physician leaders involved in the AMHSP to develop a common understanding of the needs and concerns of academic physicians. As a conduit between grass roots AMHSP physicians and the AMA, the council includes elected representatives from each AMHSP arrangement along with AMA representatives on the Provincial AMHSP Operations and Strategy Committees and an AMA-appointed representative from those groups considering entering the AMHSP. Learn more about the council.

AMHSP RF Delegates

AMHSP Council Arrangement representatives elect four delegates and one alternate as its representatives to the AMA Representative Forum. Elections occur in April and terms are generally three years, unless a mid-term vacancy is being filled.

About the delegates

Refer to the list of AMHSP Council members to see the current AMHSP RF delegates.

The AMA President-Elect is elected by the membership. The role encompasses three offices over three years: one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Immediate Past President.

Each spring, a Call for Nominations for President-Elect is sent to all AMA members. The call includes the nominee recommended by the Nominating Committee and information on how to submit further nominations. Any member eligible to run for office may be nominated by the Nominating Committee, another AMA member or by self-nomination. If further nominations are received for President-Elect, an election occurs. If no further nominations are received, the Nominating Committee’s nominee is acclaimed as President-Elect.

About the President-Elect

Learn more about the current President-Elect, Dr. Shelley Duggan.

Directors on the AMA Board are elected by and from RF delegates. Terms are three years, unless a mid-term vacancy is being filled, and terms are staggered, with elections occurring at each fall RF meeting for approximately 1/3 of the director positions. A delegate is eligible to run for re-election to the Board if they have served five or less consecutive years as a director.

Thirty days prior to the election, a Call for Nominations is sent to all RF delegates. The call includes the nominees recommended by the Nominating Committee and information on how to submit further nominations. RF delegates may self-nominate or be nominated by another delegate or alternate (alternate delegates may nominate and vote but are not eligible to run for election to the Board). If further nominations are received for the Board, an election occurs at the fall RF. If no further nominations are received, the Nominating Committee’s nominees are acclaimed to the Board.

About the Board

The AMA Board of Directors is responsible for running the association between Representative Forum meetings. The Board develops and implements policy (as advised by the RF).
The Board is comprised of 10 directors elected by and from RF, three officers (president, president-elect, immediate past president) and two observers (resident and student). 

Learn more about the Board.

Members on the Nominating Committee are:

  • Three members and the committee chair appointed by the AMA Board of Directors (July).
  • Two members elected by and from the Representative Forum (fall RF). 
  • Four members elected at the Annual General Meeting (October).

Terms for members are two years; terms are staggered such that approximately half of the positions are filled each year. Each group also elects two alternates for a one-year term.

RF election

Information on available Nominating Committee positions is provided with the Reports to RF and delegate nominations are sought from the floor (alternate RF delegates may nominate and vote but are not eligible to run for election to the Nominating Committee). Delegates may self-nominate or nominate another delegate. The election takes place via an e-vote following RF.

AGM election

A Call for Nominations and information on available Nominating Committee positions is provided with the 60-day notice prior to the AGM. Nominations are brought forward to the AGM and, if the call did not result in nominations sufficient to fill vacancies, nominations are sought from the floor. Members may self-nominate or nominate another member. The election takes place via an e-vote following the AGM.

About the Nominating Committee

The committee provides nominees for elected positions within the AMA, including the President-Elect, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, CMA General Council representatives and AMA Board of Directors. The committee provides recommendations to the Board for AMA committee membership and  Members Emeriti. Independently, the committee nominates AMA members who are also CMA members in good standing, for CMA Honorary Membership as well as various CMA awards.


Two representatives to PPLF are elected by and from the Representative Forum. Terms are three years, unless a mid-term vacancy is being filled. Elections take place at the fall or spring RF as required.

Information on a PPLF position is provided with the Reports to RF and delegate nominations are sought from the floor (alternate delegates may nominate and vote but are not eligible to run for election to PPLF). If the position is not filled by acclamation, an election takes place via an e-vote following RF.

About the Provincial Physician Liaison Forum

The primary purpose of the Provincial Physician Liaison Forum is to support quality patient care, access to services for patients and system sustainability, by strengthening the working relationship between Alberta Health Services and the AMA.

Under the AMA Bylaws and CMA Bylaws, the AMA is required to appoint representatives to attend the CMA Annual General Meeting (General Council). The number of available positions is determined by the CMA Bylaws; the term is a one-time appointment for the CMA AGM held virtually each May.

A Call for Nominations and information on available CMA AGM positions is provided with the 60-day notice prior to the AGM. Members may self-nominate or nominate another member. The AGM is advised of all nominations, which are then provided to the AMA Nominating Committee for consideration as it selects representatives to attend the CMA AGM.

About the CMA AGM

The CMA AGM is a forum for members to receive the annual report, vote on proposed bylaw amendments (if there are any in the given year), appoint the external auditor, hear from and ask questions of CMA leadership, provide input on CMA governance and address other corporate matters.

The CMA AGM is followed by the Nominations Committee report (the remaining General Council component of CMA governance), where representatives can vote to approve nominees for CMA leadership positions. The selected AMA representatives are entitled to vote during the Nominations Committee report.

Zonal/Regional Delegates

AMA members elect delegates to RF from their zone (Calgary, Edmonton) or region with the zone (South Zone, Regions 1 and 2; Central Zone, Regions 4 and 5; North Zone, Regions 7, 8 and 9). Terms are generally three years, unless a mid-term vacancy is being filled. Terms are staggered such that approximately one-third of positions are filled each year. The overall number of delegates that each region/zone is entitled to elect to RF is based on a formula contained in the AMA Bylaws.

Elections take place each fall and include the following:

  • Each ZMSA is asked to put forward a slate of candidates sufficient to fill upcoming vacancies in their zone (September).
  • A Call for Nominations is sent to all AMA members in the region/zone (October). The call includes the slate recommended by the ZMSA, the number of positions and terms available, and information on how to submit further nominations. Any member eligible to run for election may be nominated by another AMA member or by self-nomination.
  • An election is held if more nominations are received than positions available in any given region/zone (November-December). If no further nominations are received, the ZMSA slate is acclaimed to the RF delegate positions.

Past President Delegate

AMA Past Presidents elect one delegate to RF by and from amongst their group. The term is generally three years. The election takes place in the fall at the same time as the zonal/regional delegate election.

A Call for Nominations is sent to all AMA past presidents with information on how to self-nominate or nominate another past president. An election is held if more than one nomination is received.

About RF

The Representative Forum, which meets at least twice a year to set direction for the Alberta Medical Association, includes representatives from all sectors of the profession.

This group of representatives is responsible for the overall policy direction of the organization to meet the best interests of members.

Learn more about the Representative Forum (RF).

Four representatives to GOG are elected by and from the Representative Forum. Terms are three years, unless a mid-term vacancy is being filled; terms are staggered such that approximately one-half to one-third of positions are filled. Elections take place at the fall or spring RF as required.

Information on a GOG position is provided with the Reports to RF and delegate nominations are sought from the floor (alternate delegates may nominate and vote but are not eligible to run for election to GOG). If the position is not filled by acclamation, an election takes place via an e-vote following RF.

About the Governance Oversight Group

The RF Governance Oversight Group ensures that RF delegates and constituent groups meet their roles and responsibilities as outlined in the AMA Bylaws and in AMA policy.

GOG consists of four delegates elected by and from RF, including at least one family medicine specialist representative, one other specialist representative and one zonal representative, as well as the AMA CEO.

Three RF Delegates are elected to the RF Planning Group by and from the Representative Forum, each to a one-year term. Elections take place at fall RF.

Information on RFPG positions is provided with the Reports to RF and delegate nominations are sought from the floor (alternate delegates may nominate and vote but are not eligible to run for election to RFPG). If the positions are not filled by acclamation, an election takes place via an e-vote following RF.

About the RF Planning Group

RFPG consists of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, President, President-Elect and three delegates elected by and from RF. The RF Planning Group assists in planning and evaluating the AMA's Representative Forum meetings.

RFPG delegate members are also invited to serve on the Resolutions Committee. Chaired by the Deputy Speaker, the Resolutions Committee assists the Speaker by receiving, organizing and ensuring clarity of motions.

The AMA Speaker and Deputy Speaker are elected by the membership at the AGM. Terms are three years, unless a mid-term vacancy is being filled.

A Call for Nominations is sent to all AMA members with the 60-day notice prior to the AGM. The call includes the nominees recommended by the Nominating Committee for Speaker and Deputy Speaker, and information on how to submit further nominations. A member eligible to run for election may be nominated by the Nominating Committee, another AMA member or by self-nomination. If further nominations are received for either role, an election will take place at the AGM for the role(s). If no further nominations are received for a role, the Nominating Committee’s nominee is acclaimed.

About the Speaker/Deputy Speaker

The Speaker and Deputy Speaker are the elected officials of the organization. 

The Speaker presides over meetings of the RF, the AGM, and other general or special meetings of the association. The Speaker chairs the RF Planning Group.

The Deputy Speaker assists the Speaker and carries out the duties of the Speaker at their request. The Deputy Speaker chairs the Resolutions Committee.

The roles at RF are non-voting.