Goal 1: Working with Alberta Health, the four provincial health agencies, key service delivery organizations, and other partners, lead and influence positive change in the delivery of services. |
Priority activities |
2. Advocate for an effective and efficient health informatics system and policy improvements supporting physicians, addressing information flow that reduces patient risk and supports continuity of care.
3. Advocate for solutions that address the health human resource shortage and improve patients’ access to a physician.
Goal 2: Key incentives and supports for physicians are aligned with the delivery of care and toward overall system objectives of timely access for patients to quality care. |
Priority activities |
1. Advocate for the Acute Care Stabilization Proposal, including incentives that address difficulties associated with access to acute care: after hours, ARP and AMHSP rates, on-call, AHS-paid stipends. |
2. In partnership with AH, evaluate and advise on opportunities to improve PCCM. |
3. Advocate for implementation of the ‘top 10 priorities’ developed by the AMA’s cARP Working Group (contractual agreements with fair dispute resolution, expedited application, approval processes, simplify payment models, fair/timely funding adjustments for service volume, etc.) |
4. Implement the $2M ARP change management funding under the AMA agreement, as per recommendations of the review. |
Goal 3: The patient’s voice and perspective are actively sought and amplified by the AMA in our work as system partners, leaders and advocates. |
Priority activities |
1. Gather and integrate patient input through general population polling and engaging with the 50,000 Albertans in our online activist community. |
2. Establish the AMA and physicians as an authoritative source of insight on patient needs for media and stakeholders. |