There are 42 sections representing Alberta physicians. Learn more and access information related to the governance of the sections here.

Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.
The Alberta Medical Association is a member-focused organization and leader in healthcare advocacy focusing on effective and transparent governance.
Established in 1905, the AMA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to representing the interests of Alberta physicians, residents, and medical students. With a commitment to maintaining a democratic and transparent governance process, the AMA advocates for its members and provides leadership and support in delivering high-quality healthcare. Our focus on governance ensures that the voices of our members are heard and respected.
Find information on previous and upcoming AGMs, including agenda, reports and In Memoriam.
The Representative Forum (RF) is the governing body of the AMA. This group of representatives is responsible for the overall policy direction of the organization to meet the best interests of members.
The Alberta Medical Association Board of Directors is responsible for running the association between Representative Forum meetings.
The Bylaws of the Alberta Medical Association outline our structure and procedures.
AMA elections run in accordance with AMA Bylaws, including Representative Forum leaders, Board of Directors, Speaker, Deputy Speaker and President-Elect.
The AMA fulfills its mission, vision and values through yearly business plans. Learn more about our plans and progress.
The Alberta Medical Association codes of conduct provide general guidance on standards of conduct for various members of our organization.
Find definitions for fommonly used acronyms in AMA business.