February 2014 update from Dr. Ann Vaidya

February 27, 2014

Section of General Practice
Dr. Ann R. Vaidya, President
T 403.873.2352/F 403.873.2364

The Section of General Practice (SGP) hosted their annual strategic retreat in November 2013. Attendees included:

  • Current SGP Executive Committee members.
  • Immediate past SGP Executive Committee members.
  • Section of Rural Medicine Executive Committee members.
  • PCN Physician Leads Executive members.
  • Alberta College of Family Physicians representative.
  • AMA president.
  • AMA senior staff.

SGP strategic plan

Following are highlights of the SGP’s 2014 strategic plan developed from the goals that were established at the 2013 retreat:

  • System efficiencies: Support the concept that primary care reform is synonymous with health care reform.
  • Physician compensation: Need to align health care financing with health care delivery (e.g., incentives need to be aligned).
  • Infrastructure: Acquire the required infrastructure that moves us along the path of system reform.
  • Continuity of care: Promote internal and external linkages and supports to meet the common objectives of system reform.
  • Leadership: Recognize the need that member physicians must be empowered to assume and continue leadership positions.
  • Public engagement: Promote engagement with patients, community and municipal leadership, and other government stakeholders to support and understand the need for primary care and health system reform.

The SGP Executive Committee looks forward to working with their primary care leadership colleagues, as well as jointly with the AMA, in the implementation of the strategic plan. The full plan will be made available to membership at a later date.

GP Alternative Compensation Model Working Group

SGP is developing an alternative compensation model that would be another option to fee-for-service. The new compensation model will promote excellence in primary care and offer improvements for multiple stakeholders, including patients, physicians, Alberta Health Services (AHS) and Alberta Health (AH).

A key component of the proposed alternative compensation model is that there is a fixed payment tied to a specific, defined population of patients, enrolled or rostered with the physician and for whom the physician agrees to provide care.

AH is working with the SGP to thoroughly address the many elements contained in the model, and this will take some time. The ultimate goal is to present the model to the Physician Compensation Committee for approval.

The Alberta Medical Association stands as an advocate for its physician members, providing leadership & support for their role in the provision of quality health care.